Are Soft Shell Clams Really Soft?

If you are wondering are soft shell clams really soft, the answer is no. The name is actually a misnomer. The shell is thin and fragile when compared to a more traditional, hard shell clam. However, it is too hard to eat. While you can actually eat the shell of a soft shell crab, you cannot do the same with a soft shell clam.

Hard clams vs soft clams – What is the difference?

Hard and soft shell clams are two types of bivalve mollusks found in saltwater or brackish (a mix of fresh and saltwater) bodies of water.

Regular clams have thicker, more rigid shells and are typically larger than soft-shell clams. They are often used in dishes where the clam meat is chopped or minced.

Both can be eaten raw, steamed, or fried. Hard-shell clams are usually harvested using a clam rake, while soft-shell clams are often harvested by hand. Hard-shell clams are found in deeper waters, while soft-shell clams live in shallow rivers and bays.

Are soft clams found in Maryland?

Soft shell clams, also known as “steamers,” live in Maryland coastal areas where freshwater from rivers mixes with saltwater. This includes the eastern coast of the United States, the Pacific Northwest, and New England. A soft-shell clam likes to burrow into the sand or mud. They can be found by digging with a small shovel or using a device called a “clam rake.” They’re also popular seafood in many parts of the world and are harvested and sold commercially.

Can you eat soft clams?

Yes, you can eat steamers and they are very tasty! There are many different ways to eat them, and the most popular way depends on the region.

  • Raw: Eat raw and served with a variety of dips and condiments, such as lemon juice, hot sauce, or cocktail sauce.
  • Steamed: Steamed clams are traditionally served with melted butter or garlic butter.
  • Fried: Another popular way is by frying them. Fried clams are prepared by shucking them (removing the clam from the shell), rolling them in a flour batter mixture, and cooking them in hot oil. Clam fritters and clam strips are tasty fried clam dishes.

Can you eat the shell?

No. While the shell is thinner and more fragile than regular clams you may be more familiar with, it is not edible.

Steamers vs clams

Soft-shell clams are also called steamers. Hard shell clams are generally just called clams. Both types of clams are harvested for consumption and are similar tasting. They are also served raw, steamed, and fried. The main differences include:

  • Clams are found in deeper water, while steamers are found in shallower rivers and bay
  • Steamers tend to be smaller in size
  • Hard shell clams have a harder, thicker shell
  • Steamers have a prominent foot and siphons extend beyond the shell

What sticks out of a soft shell clam?

The soft-shell clam has a lot of different parts that help it live in the ocean. It has a foot to help it move through the sand, and it has two long tubes called siphons that it uses to breathe and get food. Both the siphons and the foot stick out of the shell.

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